Monday, April 2, 2012

Don't Let Them Tell You Different! 
Remember.... As long as you like the image, IT DOES NOT MATTER what anyone else thinks !
If you think its perfect..... Then its perfect.  And more important - if your client thinks its perfect, well there you go -  Its perfect ! 

cold creek studios

If you have a minute please go over and like coldcreekstudios on Facebook.
Thank you for recommending Cold Creek Studios to your family and friends and helping to support a Local First Utah company.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ribbon Cuttings and Basic Workshops

This past week was a busy one. Oozle Media had their ribbon cutting attended by Sandy Chamber of Commerce. Utah's #1 SEO, Web Design, Social Media company, is Oozle Media so when you are ready to get your name to the top of the list remember Oozle Media.

Last week we had a full class on Tuesdays Basic Camera Workshop. I hope those of you who attended learned some valuable lessons about your cameras. We got lucky last weekend with the weather, so I held two classes, in the morning group there were a couple Canon owners and a Pentax shooter. The afternoon class was a mother/daughter workshop. As usual we worked with aperture, shutter speeds, ISO and threw in a few posing and flash tips. All participants went home thrilled to start photographing the kids, grandkids and landscapes.

When your ready to learn more about your camera and start the photography journey, come out to one of my workshops and reserve now

In between all this madness a engineering firm from the mid-west commissioned my photography company to image some transportation freeways. Some of the locals may remember the last few years when Utah Department of Transportation was building freeway overpasses. During this time UDOT was being consulted by a firm out of the mid-west; Stanley Consulting. If you would like to have a look at a couple of the overpasses and intersections you can see more here.

New Blog Format

Changed up the Blog format- Thoughts ? Comments ?

Dropped the Ball

Ok, so i have'nt updated the blog in the last month or so - Been pretty busy..... Think'n I will try and up date a bit more regularly ~! Is regularly a word ?? Stop by and have a look, got the opportunity to shoot some freeways, bridges and intersections ! Way fun stuff -